We took a break preparing Slow Flight for her Pacific crossing to entertain our friends, Phil and Tammera Dinkins, and their son Theo a few weeks ago. These guys made a huge contribution to us as they gathered and traveled with precious cargo for “Flo” for her undertaking to cross the Pacific. They also organized meeting with my mother to obtain my renewed driver’s license and my longtime friend, Jan, to bring some US cash to us. We owe a big Thank You to everyone who had to participate in our shenanigans to bring parts/pieces down South for us!
Puerto Vallarta part 1 — Trevor and I took “Flo” to the PV marina to pick up the Dinkin’s. We hung there for the night after a pizza dinner (Theo slept though it but I ate his cheese pieces for him). The next morning we headed for La Cruz for a more kid and cruiser friendly environment.

La Cruz part 1— Phil and Tammera still have their company to run via wifi and we hung out here for a few days to get acquainted with the town and possibly meet up with other cruiser kids : ) Trevor and I attended a weather seminar one afternoon. We had dinner at a fancy restaurant and we all ate like royalty!!! I seriously can’t remember being that full in my life.

Highlight for us was the impromptu gathering by the pool at the marina. Theo had a play date at the pool and we sat in the shade drinking margaritas from the bar upstairs. Soon our friend Jeff on SV Ewa (who lost his iPad that day) came over to chat, then Phil from SV Terripan, then Darrel from SV Wiz was there, and Stephen from SV Jabaroo II came over. It was a gaggle of people, most of us planning to cross the pacific this year, others we had meet along the way. The best part was that it happened organically and really showed the true essence of the cruising community: a little shop talk or discussions of what happened today with a beer in your hand. It was well after 8pm when we realized we needed to eat dinner so off to town to eat burritos/tacos at the “red chairs/brown chairs” where you can eat for about 60 pesos ($3-4 usd).

The boys walking down the street in La Cruz

Isla Jalbemta — After being at the dock and work taken care of…we all headed off to Isla Jalbemta. Theo got a little sea sick but after getting it “out of his system”, literally…he was GREAT!!! We saw so many cool things: Whales and turtles but unfortunately we don’t have a photo or video of the coolest ever…..We hooked a MARLIN! This guy jumped into the air with a huge display…Trevor was worried he would run out of line and loose the pole but the marlin freed himself….it was probably a good thing. Theo and i decided to snorkle around the boat…it was his first time in the ocean for a snorkel (he’s been in a pool otherwise).

Chamela — We decided to go a little further north to a more protected bay called “Chamela”. Chamela is where Trevor and I swamped the dinghy when we were there a few months ago with Trevor’s Dad and Step-mom, Larry and Betti. We knew the Dinkin’s would love this place…and they did : ) Theo made friends with Isaiah from SV Raireva, along with parents Marek and Helen (she’s asian!!!!! it was so cool to chat with her!)

La Cruz part 2— We headed back the 45 miles back to La Cruz after an awesome time at Chamela. Back to the land of cell service and internet, we all did a little work.

Well some of us worked a little…Trevor had a different idea of work. He called this dehydration/rehydration work.

Puerto Vallarta part 2 with the grand parents — Oddly enough, it turned out that Tammera’s parents, Larry and Sharon, were vacationing in PV the same time so they wanted to spent some time with Theo here in Mexico. We meet them in PV and had a great dinner on the beach. Theo then stayed with them while the “adults” took a cab back to La Cruz. The next day the “adults” took the boat from La Cruz and sailed (no engine) a bit around the bay and just relaxed! We landed in PV marina just before dinner. Theo and GP’s took a pirate cruise and we all met up to see the street parade in celebration of Carnival…aka Mardi Gras. To say the least…the parade was really all for Theo but I think Tammera and I had the most fun dancing on the dividers between the restaurant and the sidewalk, margaritas in hand (love ya lady!)

Theo and Trevor posing their good sides on the streets of PV

Phil, Tammera, and Theo….It was a good 9 days together and so good to see you all and to share our world with you. We hope to see you all out here cruising with all these fantastic people and adventures (with A/C…right Phil?). It was amazing to see how Theo is growing up to be such an incredible boy and his interactions with us and the other cruisers. We can’t wait to hear the good news that you all have untied the lines for good….
Love you guys!!!