I don’t know if you remember back when we were in Mitsio Bay a few weeks ago and had our water maker scare…but it’s on the fritz once again! On our way back from Russian Bay we planned to make water but we were not able to “suck” salt water through our system to even make water.
If that wasn’t enough: our microwave started to spark one night when trying to heat up lunch, our bilge pump went off in the middle of the night, wind indicator stopped spinning, and our A/C was still non-functional….it was time to do some work!
Upon our return to Carter Bay, Trevor spent the next few days trouble shooting the water maker…PRIORITY!!! In short, he relocated the water inlet to a larger thru hull, moved the sea strainer just below the water line, and changed out the low pressure pump to our spare….Sweaty, discouraged, Trevor was a HOT MESS!!!! He eventually got it working again…so far so good!
“Don’t talk to me…I’m busy”….
After that it was time to check out the local chandelier in town and while we there stop off at the market and Trevor’s favorite fruit/veg stand near by. We also had a local guy re-make our hatch screens as they were literally falling apart….all in a good day’s work.
It was time to do some re-provisioning and we had heard about this place called Leader Price. It is located 2/3 the way to Hell-Ville from Crater bay so we took a tuk-tuk there to check it out….well worth the cost to get there!!!
Since we had met very few of the cruising community as of yet….we probably eat dinner every night at the Yacht Club, not just to eat but also to meet new friends!
We spent about a week fixing stuff and getting acquainted with everyone after our “quarantine” in Russian Bay…but there is so much more to see and we decided to head off to Sakatia Island (we anchored there just for 12 hours before we cleared into the country) to see it properly. Time to go….S&!#….the engine wont turn over?! It’s one of those moments when you think to yourself: “Self….WTF are we doing out here and why on earth is everything going all wonky now, in Madagascar, and not in a country where it is remotely easier?”. We were about to pull out our hair….!
Already running a bit late to make the anchorage during day light hours… Trevor turned on his super powers and within 15 minutes had the primary fuel filter changed and the injectors bled…off we go….at ramming speed…hoping nothing else will fail for at least a few days!!!
Up Next: Sakatia Island, Nosy Be, Madagascar…again…this time we eat our hearts out!
Praises be you have a miracle worker on board! He could make a living fixing boats that have trouble on some remote Island n u would never have to leave the paradise! Just sayin!
Praises be you have a miracle worker on board! He could make a living fixing boats that have trouble on some remote Island n u would never have to leave the paradise! Just sayin!
Ps. happy Birthday Trevor on the 10th. We will be celebrating Paul’s then as his sisters are here…