Trevor and I spend the better half of a month 1/2 at the RLYC hanging out just the two of us. After the Rally festivities were over, Trevor healing up from the hook in his finger, and I think I was just exhausted, hanging out on the boat was just what the doctor ordered. We LITERALLY…did nothing for days!
This was the plan…to get all these little jobs done (each on a sticky note) but they just stayed up there for a while…. This is what we did for days…Trevor on his iPad, I was on my computer….we would pause for lunch or dinner and ask: “How was your TV show?”….Horrible right?!
We got a little anxious and decided to do a “health and beauty” days…. included was a massage, hair cut, a shave, and the dentist?!
A proper shave….less than $10 I actually got a perm..say what?!…. I figured I needed a change ; ) Trevor got his haircut and a head massage (LOL) I think I have had more cleanings while I have NOT had health insurance than when I had a full benefits back in the US….still cheaper to pay out of pocket while traveling…our visit cost us about $25 each.
We did some things…. like have someone else do boat work (hahaha)
Ben is AWESOME!!! He is a fellow cruiser and KNOWS his electricity. He was recommended to us by another cruiser who he had fixed a generator that had not been working for years and after multiple “skilled” electricians looked at this generator. Ben installed a _____ for us that will help us keep charged up while motoring (long story). However, in Langkawi we are told, they all look out for each other and since Ben is not Malaysian not from Langkawi, he has to work “stealth mode”. So lots of people know him but he doesn’t advertise and keeps his name low key.
We also hang out with some old friends who were headed up to Thailand before us. In this cruising world…you never know if you are going to see others again as plans change like the wind for us out here. So we made a point to make sure we saw some of our favorite people who were available.
A little “man” shopping with Carlos on SV Mirniy Okean (The kids table) Sorry Linda, we made him drink 3 beers before lunch!!!! Boys will be boys…super excited about their “man shopping…waiting for PIZZA! Just in case our paths did not cross again, had to take one last selfie aboard Slow Flight. Carlos, we loved hanging out with you…even though Linda was back in New Caledonia…. it’s always a blast to hear all your stories and get a few Gin and Tonics in ya ; )
SV Pickles…a night at the night market…grabbed dinner and hung out at the local park. All the little colorful bags are full of food from the night market….I just couldn;t eat it all…eyes always bigger than my stomach!
Lunch at the “best” Hainanese chicken place. We met SV LaBarque, SV Sloemouche, and Roger and Lucie. He is actually selling his business…old family recipe he told us…. Trevor didn’t really like it but I did. The chicken was tender and greens were nice. Served with soup and tea.
Simple and refreshing…with a beer of course!
This is Andrea from SV Kiwi Summers…trying to get beers from our fridge…she feels my pain! SV Il Sogno… we had margaritas on the we made 2 nights of it. Fresh squeezed limes, simple syrup and Craig graciously purchased the GOOD tequila … we had to finish the bottle! : )
We made a few new friends too… They came into the slip close to us and we helped them in…. the next thing we knew we were on their boat sharing a beer with some other friends of theirs. The next night we had dinner on Slow Flight…. and a few chats about politics : )
The couple we helped in…I seriously forgot their names… Their friends we met…they are from Germany…so we gave them our can of sauerkraut… She was lovely….we shared these photos via Whatsapp.
Who doesn’t like meatloaf? Ok maybe lots of you do but to make a relatively simple meal for 6 on a boat, meatloaf comes in handy : )
Then it was the holiday season….Generally we are surrounded by friends and family but this year was different. It was literally “just the two of us”….. Merry Christmas……
I had to put up some decorations on the boat, Trevor just being himself! We had cheeseburgers..and wine…watched a movie and went to bed…so exciting I know…. SV Il Sogno gifted us our only “physical” present…PERFECT Karene…Trevor loves them!
And a Happy New Year!
Tried to be like the cool kids and go to the Blues Festival at Cenang Beach…. Cenang beach…super touristy…. Foot selfie (LOL) When we see mexican food… we have to try it…. not too bad for being in Malaysia..but not as good as in Mexico! Well, we are getting old…we were going to stay at Cenang beach and watch the fireworks show there on the beach with a few beers (sounds nice)…but were too tired. So we headed home at 8PM?! We could barely stay up past midnight to watch the Westin Hotel fireworks display that we could see from our boat at the RYLC.
Up next…see what 2019 had to offer us….