Langkawi – part 3: Brining in the new year…1 termite at a time ….

Well, the plan was to get a bunch of boat projects done in Langkawi. Then we just didn’t feel like it and honestly, didn’t find (or just didn’t put out the effort) what we were looking for. After rest and recouping, we decided to join the Sail Thailand rally, a short and sweet rally whom a few of our fellow Indonesia/Malaysia fleet were doing. The Sail Thailand rally jumped from Langkawi to Phuket about January 15th, so we deiced to stay….then we were asked if we wanted to volunteer (with the crew of 3 other cruiser boats we knew) to help out on the mark boats for a regatta the RYLC hosts for the last 16 years…sure why not…the regatta ended on the 12th…enough time for us to get provisioned afterwards and join the Sail Thailand rally…NOT!!!!

Remember these guys from our anchorage in Kumai on the island of Borneo, Indonesia?!

Yup…they made an appearance just after the new year. We saw a few flying around our boat. Didn’t think much of it until they kept on appearing…every other day or so around 2-4pm when the boat would heat up from the sun. We finally thought twice and took a better look at them…and then a lightbulb went off!!!! TERMITES?!

We spend days researching them, what to do about it, and finally trying to find companies to fumigate us, the only option we were comfortable with as it had been 2 months of these little %&#@$! eating away at our home. We have so much wood in our boat and storage space in places a small child couldn’t get to, there is no way to detect where they are without tearing EVERYTHING up and out and searching tirelessly for days or weeks. Fumigation it is…however, this is not an easy task. Especially when you are trying to organize it around the holiday season and then when you have already committed yourself to volunteer for a regatta.

We had a company come out to inspect our boat…this was a joke (though they were just trying to do their job) as again there was no way to detect them. We unfortunately killed the ones we saw so there was “no evidence” of them present. So I decided to start a collection and I would send the company’s manager photos just to prove we had them.

Finally, they agreed fumigation was necessary (after multiple long discussion that we live on this boat and for all safety reasons, can’t have termites eating away at it…in the middle of an ocean!!!). We had a date for a team from another island, Penang (the local office did not have a fumigation team in Langkawi) to come fumigate…unfortunately it was right in the middle of the regatta. We spoke to our “boss” and they said they understood and would let us “off” for that day. However, when that day came, it was determined they could not do it where our boat was because it was a safety hazard. Apparently, the gas they use is deadly…duh…just didn’t think to ask about WHERE we should be for such a lethal chemical..silly me. So the fumigation was called off…for now.

The Royal Langkawi International Regatta was a blast…even though we/I was dealing with scheduling the fumigation. We learned a lot and moreover…that we don’t know crap about racing sailing boats.

We got to choose which mark boat we wanted to be on…originally both Trevor and I were on the “Pin boat” (I had no idea what that meant at the time) but as soon as I hear the Start boat had a “real bathroom”…I jumped ship : ) Trevor stayed on the Pin boat while I was to be assigned, in “luxury”,on the Start boat. What I didn’t know was the amount of work that goes on the Start boat…bathroom might not of been the best trade…just kidding.

So the race begins…. so much easier if you just see it for yourself : )

Then it was time to party!!!!

It was actually a great time, being out on the water, watching people do what they love. It was rejuvenating!

In the meantime… the termites were filling up their bellies and making new colonies on Flo. It was time to get this fumigation DONE! Finally, after moving to a different slip, then back to another slip, the manager of the marina almost not letting us do it, to scheduling the Penang team to arrive in Langkawi…we finally made it happen….THANK GOODNESS!

The next day it was time to let out the gas from the boat. They tested and measured the level of gas left inside the boat and it was at 57%…their acceptable level is 30%…this is a good thing…it must of been a good seal to keep the gas in which means more termites dead…hopefully. Trevor got to go in to help turn on all of our fans and blowers.

Check…that’s done!

Now it’s near the end of January and we thought we would be in Thailand by now. So we kept up the pace and provisioned.

So before I show you the photos…you need to understand that Langkawi is a “duty free” island. This means we can buy goods TAX FREE… so of course you can image we loaded up on the good stuff for the months as we cross the Indian Ocean. Of course we are not the only ones who take advantage of this rarity. So the government has placed limits on the amount of “goods” (what I mean is alcohol) you can buy per passport per calendar month. We were told: 3 cases of beer, 2 bottles of wine, 2 bottles of liquor. Well this is just not going to do. We opted to go to every “duty free” shop and buy the limit at each place but then that seemed to be too much work. We had a contact (if you want more info, just ask) who works as a “co-op” so she can sell large quantities and make it look like it was purchased between said other vendors/places. So that is what we did.

Not knowing what was available in Thailand, we loaded up on dry good assuming the prices were cheaper in Langkawi than Phuket, thailand…..I think we were correct.

Being “duty free” meant that we could ship things to us without being levied the VAT and paying customs to import it. So we thought we were smart (but not really) and ordered a bunch of stuff that we didn’t find locally. We order through Amazon Prime, little stuff and big stuff, had it sent to our mail forwarding address to have it shipped to Langkawi. Of course we didn’t think it was going to cost us over $700 usd to get it to us….rookie mistake…once again…still learning out here.

Well, it was that time again and after spending 1 1/2 months at RLYC we were ready to leave the dock and head out to open waters again. So we checked out of the country on January 22nd…loaded, fueled, and ready for the next adventure. Next up….Thailand!

One comment

  1. Omg…look at my hair….typically a crazy lady in the wind…haha….well, sadly my visa application was rejected by Pakistan and ended up I have left my footprints at the suburb in Victoria State, Australia. 😉
    Keep us posted ya, love to know more from Slow Flight!!! hugssss!

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